


> I think that it is possible for God's people to repent,

> and do what is right in Japan, but they will have to hurry.


> I note that, back in WW II, Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered an atomic

attack at the end of the war.

>I think that most Japanese Christians

> were in those cities: and it seems to me that the bombs were a judgement

from God because of

>their disobedience (Emperor-worship, etc)


> Now, many refuse to evangalize, with many Christian men too effeminite and

ashamed to fight for

>the truth, and this displeases God. I fear that God may well bring down

another judgement on Christian >Japanese first, and then the whole Japanese

nation again.

> Onthe other hand, God may well leave a remnant in the West - for HE never

completely destroy's

>His people, and when they repent, His judgement will be turned away, and

His blessings return. But

>because Japan was never truly His people, He may *completely* destroy

Japan. ]



I agree. But that fact does not reduce America's sin of throwing down such an atrocious and satanic weapon without any precaution on non-combatant women and children.

Because of American Christians' failure to urge the government and non-Christians to repent of this unprecedentedly great crime, American Christians are not entitled to blaming us for the failure of emperor worship. We both have been state worshippers to this day.

And it is not a good way to indicate and predict Japanese national total debacle if you sincerely want to evangelize Japanese and lead them to the true repentance and propagate Reconstructionism in Japan, because Japanese have been greatly influenced by Americans after WWII.

American Christians forget about their own sin of reluctance to stop pornography from flourishing and being exported to Japan and the whole world.

If American Christians could have succeeded in exertion of godly influence on the American society, the other countries in the world would have been led upward but indeed it has been led downward.

It is no wonder that 40 million Christians' responsibility is by far greater than that of 200 thousand Japanese Christians'. We Japanese Christian workers are working for evangelism by supporting ourselves doing some secular jobs because there are few Christian supporters in here. The great amount of the satanic cultural influence on us, who live in such a paganistic culture, surrounded by Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, cannot be imagined by American Christians, who live in Christian culture, surrounded by many churches and evangelical TV programs.


The greater opportunity, the greater responsibility.
